Fabienne d’Arripe-Longueville List of articlesNo 110, 2015/4The Ability to Self-Regulate Transgressive Behavior in Sport: Differences Related to Levels of Expertise and the Effects of Peer EducationNo 110, 2015/4Psychosocial Characteristics and Eating Attitudes in Young Elite Figure Skaters in Canada and France: Are There any Country Differences?No 119, 2018/1The drive for muscularity and muscle dysmorphia in bodybuilders: English literature reviewSpecial issue, 2021/HSKeeping active for your health: A narrative review of theoretical models on the adoption and maintenance of physical activity behavior using a socioecological approachNo 137, 2022/3Keeping active for your health: A narrative review of theoretical models on the adoption and maintenance of physical activity behavior using a socio-ecological approach