Volume 30 - Automne 2009 n° 86, 2009/4 - 126 pagesPages 5 à 6ÉditorialPages 7 à 21Reciprocal peer tutoring: tutor-students' training and cognitive and motor consequences in table tennisPar Pierre Ensergueix, Lucile LafontPages 23 à 41Religion, body and physical activity: the case of Muslim girls in PEPar Geneviève Cogérino, Laure LongchampPages 43 à 58The ethnography of sports practices faced with the sociological theories of action: between over-interpretations and definition of the fields of relevancePar Matthieu QuiduPages 59 à 77The teaching of swimming in physical education (PE) between 1945 and 1995 (second degree), schooling and sportivisation : myth or reality ?Par Emmanuel AuvrayPages 79 à 91A Professor of Gymnastics in Hospital. Napoléon Laisné (1810-1896) introduce Gymnastics at the « Hôpital des Enfants malades »Par Grégory QuinPages 93 à 108Contents of new curriculum in scholastic P.E., defines in terms of competences in Benin: Problems in intervention in secondary schoolPar Kossivi AttiklemePages 109 à 110Answer to editorPar Denis PascoPages 111 à 118Reports of readingPages 119 à 119Actuality of publicationsPar Michel Lequarré