Key actors in Physical education, a political strength No 135, 2022/1 - 142 pagesPages 5 to 12Individuals as supporting walls of physical education, from politics to policy areasBy Jean-Nicolas Renaud, Doriane GometPages 13 to 36Maurice Baquet: The man behind the mythBy Doriane Gomet, Thomas BauerPages 37 to 57Robert Mérand: His role in developing the theoretical bases of Maurice Baquet’s coursesBy Benoît Caritey, Jean-Jacques DupauxPages 59 to 84From the conception to the dissemination of an educational experiment: Auguste Listello’s conception based on his career path in France (1945–1973)By Yvon MorizurPages 85 to 106Polemic, objection, rhetoric: Three debates and their effects on the diffusion of Jean Le Boulch’s psychokinetic approachBy Blaise Desplechin-Lejeune, Pierre-Alban Lebecq, Tony FroissartPages 107 to 125Christian Chartier, a catalyst for the rise and fall of continuing professional development in the Bordeaux regionBy Éric ClaverieReviewsPages 129 to 130Lesage, Benoît (2021). Un corps à construire : tonus, posture, spatialité, temporalité. Foreword by Françoise Giromini. Toulouse: Erès, 440 pp.Pages 131 to 136Soulé, Bastien (2021). Évaluer la recherche multidisciplinaire : un défi épistémologique escamoté en STAPS. Montpellier: AFRAPS, 116 pp.