Advocating for a sports model that focuses on the needs of all children for excellence, health, and well-being

By Boris Jidovtseff

High performance is often the starting point for scientific work and reflection on sports models. Research on sporting excellence has focused on the trajectories of elite athletes and the identification of talent, and has led to sports development programs that have evolved over time. Current knowledge shows the limits of sports models focused on excellence because they only concern a small proportion of the population and have not been able to produce behavioral changes on a societal scale, particularly with regard to increasing physical activity among the general public. In view of the multiple challenges facing society, it seems essential to develop sports models so that they meet the needs of the population as a whole. Recent developmental theoretical models are more comprehensive and incorporate the concept of “physical literacy.” They must be used as incubators for reflection within federations and sports organizations to identify ways to develop sports practices to meet the needs of all children, while still allowing for sports excellence.

  • sports model
  • children
  • early specialization
  • performance
  • long-term development
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